Monday, February 2, 2009

        This post may seem a little funny, but as I was downloading pictures from my camera to the computer I found these photos that my little angel had taken.   I was cracking up and laughing out loud over a few of them.  It is so fun to see what happens when your little one gets your camera.  You are able to see life in a totally different perspective.  I mean when I try to get a good picture, I yell things out like,  "Say cheese,  Smile big,  Say cheeseburger,  I'm going to get you" and so on.  I think we make things way to hard!!!!!   Looking at these pictures tells me that we need to lighten up a little,  these people were having fun!   Some of them may want to hurt me after seeing these,  but I thought they we Lovely.  So here is to the one who took these magnificent shots.......

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