Friday, February 13, 2009

I went to the school today.  I read with the children in Jake's class.  It is always so rewarding.  I went to Logan's class to help the 1st graders learn to count to 20 by 2's!  Oh, that was so much fun! They count by 2's, 10's, 20's, 1's.  Just whatever crosses their little minds...  Then they look at you for your approval.  They are so proud, so sure, so confident.  I give them a little smile and tell them how smart and wonderful they are.  What would we ever do without these precious children?  I could also hear Logan's teacher Mrs. Jensen, teaching the class about Abraham Lincoln.  She was reminding them of presidents day on Monday.  They were telling her everything they knew about him.  I listened silently from the hallway.  One little girl said, " I think he is very handsome".  Oh, they are so sweet!  I walked into the room and quietly whispered one of my favorite quotes into Logan's ear.  " Whatever you are, be a good one."  He raised his hand into the air to share his story of  the past president.  What blessed children......

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