Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Brushing teeth, getting homework into our backpacks, picking up the house, these are a few of the last minute things we do before we jump into bed and head off into dreamland.  Does this sound familiar t0 anyone?  Oh did we have a surprise tonight..... I was in the kitchen, doing the last of the dishes from our final feast.  I hear Logan yelling from the bedroom," Someone pooped in my closet"!  Yes, you are reading the right sentence.  I walked into the bedroom , looked into the closet to find and perfectly formed poop!!!!!!!  Who could this be?  We must have a ghost in the house.  The ghost would be the sweet and never do anything wrong Chloe and her best friend Paige!!  This is when I Love being a mother, and I love tucking the children into bed for the night.  Sweet words are exchanged, kisses are given, and then off to dreamland....

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