Thursday, March 5, 2009

Time goes by so quickly when you are having fun!!!  Yesterday was a fantastic day.  The kids were out of school and I Loved it ..... They rested their tired little eyes and woke up when they wanted too!  I love those easy going days.  We made buttermilk pancakes and coconut syrup.  Delicious!!!!  The boys played with friends and the girls produced their own movie.  What a perfect day!!!   
       Hannah had her first dance competition the last week in February!!!!!  They were so awesome.  I wanted to share a few of the pictures I took of her that day.  They took first place and platinum in all of  their routines.  They also took a first place overall.  It was so much fun seeing what see has been learning this year.  Way to go GiRlS!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

The boys have successfully completed another year of junior Jazz.  Yeeeeeaaaaahh!!!!!  They love basketball.  Each year they are learning and they are improving so much.  Logan was always the lead scorer.  Jake had some amazing shots also.  It is so fun watching them do better and better each year.  Maybe one day if  there heart desires, they can make it into the NBA!!!!!!  Wouldn't that give me something to talk about!  I love my BoYs.......

Who do you love????  I love my family.  I love Valentines Day.  I think it is a good excuse to kiss and hug the people you love all day long.....Brad bought the girls beautifully decorated sugar cookies and a dozen red roses.  They smelled so wonderful!!!!!!  It is a tradition since Hannah's middle name is Rose.  I think Valentines Day should be her holiday.  The boys got a box of chocolates, and their favorite Webkinz.  They love waking up and finding a special treasure nicely displayed.  It makes them feel loved and remembered.  I prefer kissing their cheeks all day long.  Forget the chocolates!!!!  My Valentine bought me a delicate daisy bracelet.  It is just perfect.  It makes me want to smile,  I love him.  I love the way he smells....  We had a delicious candle light dinner.  We ate steak and shrimp, and  we drank sparkling bubbly.  Most importantly we enjoyed each others company.  For dessert we had chocolate dipped strawberries!!!!!!  They were so yummy!  Jake said, " These are beauties"!  I think  Valentines Day is a day to always remember.... Kisses

Friday, February 13, 2009

I went to the school today.  I read with the children in Jake's class.  It is always so rewarding.  I went to Logan's class to help the 1st graders learn to count to 20 by 2's!  Oh, that was so much fun! They count by 2's, 10's, 20's, 1's.  Just whatever crosses their little minds...  Then they look at you for your approval.  They are so proud, so sure, so confident.  I give them a little smile and tell them how smart and wonderful they are.  What would we ever do without these precious children?  I could also hear Logan's teacher Mrs. Jensen, teaching the class about Abraham Lincoln.  She was reminding them of presidents day on Monday.  They were telling her everything they knew about him.  I listened silently from the hallway.  One little girl said, " I think he is very handsome".  Oh, they are so sweet!  I walked into the room and quietly whispered one of my favorite quotes into Logan's ear.  " Whatever you are, be a good one."  He raised his hand into the air to share his story of  the past president.  What blessed children......

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sparkling grounds, snow capped mountains, crisp cool air, blue skies,  and a whimsical little lady close by.  This is how I felt when I noticed  Hannah in our back yard creating another Snowman for my pleasure.  I love Snowmen.  She placed him just perfectly.  When I look out my back window,  I see this work of art.  I might enjoy some more hot cocoa.......such a pleasure!
Do Snowmen melt your heart?  Today Logan melted my heart.  I was in preparing dinner, when I heard a knock on the door.  I answered the door and found my simple little boy enjoying the wonderful white fluffy snow.  "Mom, I have a surprise for You!"  I looked and saw the most amazing snowman I have ever seen!  Tears filled my eyes.  "I made it just for you".  I love the world we live in and the magical moments each new season brings.  Logan softened my heart today,  it was heaven sent.

It was a fun and exciting morning.  Getting the kids off to school, driving home thinking about how their day will be, and anticipating what we will have for our after school snack.  I really do miss some of the excitement while they are gone.  But today Chloe and I did something really exciting!  We propped the "Little Princess" into the big girl chair for a haircut.  She was so good, I asked her how she would like it to look and she said," I want it short, almost like a boy"!  What a great idea, but you are a princess!!!  You want to twirl and spin and feel your hair move.  She looked at me and smiled.  I kissed her cheek and told her she is my favorite 4 year old girl.  We gave her a beautiful stacked bob.  She looked so Fancy.  I kissed her at least 500 more times.  When Hannah got home from school she was so excited.  We both cherish Chloe and her tiny little voice.  Hannah is the best big sister.  So loving, so kind, and so patient with her little sister.  I had the girls stand in front of my Valentine trees, it has one of my favorite sayings on it.  "Love is a glimpse of Heaven".  I felt a glimpse of heaven today.  It was lovely..........

Oh, do I love my scouts!!!!  Here is Jake.  He is so proud of his country as well as belonging to the boy scouts of America!  He is learning so many things and loving every minute of it.  Logan starts his scouting career in July.  I think he will be losing sleep until this day arrives.  I am also starting my scouting career, right along the side of two of my favorite boys.  After all, I thought an Eagle was something that flew through the sky!!!  Just kidding. I am excited for this journey and all of the awesome cheers that come along with this program.  I also look forward to the dessert table.  Most of these moms know how to cook!  If any of you know the Hollywood cheer, please stand up and do it now!!!!!!  I promise, no one is watching....

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Do you see what I see?  It must be sleeping beauty.  Oh, I think I made a mistake!  It's sleeping "Belle" from beauty and the beast.  She is so tired, and so sweet.  I need to get a picture of Chloe while see is awake and acting as most princesses do.  She is such a lady.  Chloe has grown up and officially gave up the garment.  She has moved on to very busy days in the Holgate castle, and this is the end result. If she quit eating garments, she could have anything she wanted.  And of course, it was a princess dress!!!!  A wish is a wish your heart makes, and her heart is full because she now owns every single princess dress.  I love you little lady!!!  
Saturday morning Hannah and I got up bright and early for an eventful picture taking moment.  It was Hannah's moment to shine.  Lights, camera, action...... She was so beautiful.  I cannot believe she is my little girl, so grown up.  Her dance studio had group photos taken.  For another small(I thought it was rather large, but worth it) fee, they could have a portrait of themselves taken.  What 10 year old do you know that would not eat that up in one bite?  So we picked out the picture perfect outfit, and she was stunning.  I was a proud mama.  I love these moments.  They make you want to smile.  I hope nobody was watching me.  I wish she was still at the age where you could nibble on their cheeks.  I told her she was beautiful, and I received a smile that melted my heart.  I will post some of those pictures when I get them, it was not appropriate for me to take my camera into the photo shoot.  I mean what is so wrong with that?  I just wanted to view the pictures a little early!!!!!!  I took this picture when we got home, she is my little glimpse of heaven.
I talked to my friend on the phone.  She and her family just got home from Hawaii.  Sounded so relaxing, wish I had been there with them.  It brought back so many memories of the vacation Brad and I went on in October.  I thought we were on our Honeymoon.  I got to snuggle up to him everynight.  Yum!!!!  It was so fun.  Running our toes through the warm silky sand, late night walks on the beach, big waves, snorkeling in the beautiful blue ocean, swimming with the turtles, big boat rides, delicious food, good company,  with my best friend.  I loved it!!!!!  Here are just a few of our memories.......

Thursday, February 5, 2009

These are the days of our lives!!!  Can it honestly get any better than this.  Today has been a beautiful day.  The kids woke up to Hotcakes and a little maple syrup.  And believe me they were tastey!  Chloe and I went down to visit Grandma great, and do her hair.  Little curls and all.  We ate a different version of Chili, it was made with all blackbeans and mushrooms.  It filled our tummies, and it was delicious because grandma made it.  We shared some stories about life when my mom was young.  I love that.  Logan got an awesome note from his teacher today.  It said "Logan had a spectacular day".  I am so happy, I love Logan.  Jake came out to the car with about 15 friends.  He was hoping for one big party,  but he has plans to attend the Jazz game with his dad tonight.  He was happy when I reminded him of his special night.  I  will miss smelling my sweet husband as he would walk through the door tonight after a long day of work, but I think it is tender he will have one on one time with one of  our boys.  He is such a good daddy.  I took Hannah to dance.  She is so graceful, so sensitive and such a girly girl.  I want to turn her back into a infant, so she will let me rock her in my old pink rocking chair.  She is at a fun age where we discuss all of the important things in life.  I miss her when she is gone.  I think we will finish the night off with a nice warm mug full of Hot Chocolate........  Sounds Blissful.   

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Brushing teeth, getting homework into our backpacks, picking up the house, these are a few of the last minute things we do before we jump into bed and head off into dreamland.  Does this sound familiar t0 anyone?  Oh did we have a surprise tonight..... I was in the kitchen, doing the last of the dishes from our final feast.  I hear Logan yelling from the bedroom," Someone pooped in my closet"!  Yes, you are reading the right sentence.  I walked into the bedroom , looked into the closet to find and perfectly formed poop!!!!!!!  Who could this be?  We must have a ghost in the house.  The ghost would be the sweet and never do anything wrong Chloe and her best friend Paige!!  This is when I Love being a mother, and I love tucking the children into bed for the night.  Sweet words are exchanged, kisses are given, and then off to dreamland....
My grandma called this morning.  I love hearing her tender voice on the phone.  My life is wonderful and content when I answer the phone and she is on the other end.  She has always made me feel safe and secure.  It does not matter what age you are, the people who have made the greatest impressions on you are still the ones who make you feel the most important and loved.  I love her more than she will ever know and I make so thankful for the example she is in my life.  Chloe and I just made hot chocolate in the cocoa motion machine.  It was so delicious.  We shared a cup and I love watching her little hand as she lifts the cup up to her mouth on her turn to take a sip.  Each day offers so many lovely chances to tell our loved ones how much we love them.  I am loving this day, doing the laundry, and enjoying a quiet moment.  The fire is also going....... It feels so yummy while I am folding clothes!!!!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Do you recognize these kids?????  This was a great fall and Halloween.  I think the fall is one of  my favorite times of the year.  I love the smell of the crisp air, the taste of apple cider, warm soup, and the beautiful color of fall leaves.  I know I am a little late, but I figure better late than never!!!!  I LoVe these kidos.

        This post may seem a little funny, but as I was downloading pictures from my camera to the computer I found these photos that my little angel had taken.   I was cracking up and laughing out loud over a few of them.  It is so fun to see what happens when your little one gets your camera.  You are able to see life in a totally different perspective.  I mean when I try to get a good picture, I yell things out like,  "Say cheese,  Smile big,  Say cheeseburger,  I'm going to get you" and so on.  I think we make things way to hard!!!!!   Looking at these pictures tells me that we need to lighten up a little,  these people were having fun!   Some of them may want to hurt me after seeing these,  but I thought they we Lovely.  So here is to the one who took these magnificent shots.......

Here is our family photographer, CHLOE ANN.  She is darling, full of energy, and never misses out on the opportunity to use her moms camera.........

Please stay back just a little!
Just a random photo of the kids enjoying some of the wonders of the world.  Hot Chocolate and toasty warm clothes.  Sounds fun and is so exciting!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

                 I am going to retire for the night.  I do not want any of you to go into shock!!!  I promise to keep you posted on some of our sweet moments.  I hope to share a few of our families yummy events, and try harder not to put you to sleep.  Stay tuned for more posts!!!!!!!   Good night,  we love you all.  
Introducing.........Hannah.   As I looked at the pictures I had posted, I noticed that I did not have one of Hannah's face.  Here she is.  The peacemaker of our home.  Always dancing, never walking.   We love Hannah.  I wish I could break a move like that!!!!
Happy Birthday Jake!!!  It was Jake's Birthday on the 23rd.  We had a great time.  He had a party with his friend at Toads.(this is a funzone full of arcade games, miniature golf, and laser tag)  When I asked him what he wanted for his special dinner his response was this, "Mom don't worry too much.  All I want is steak and shrimp!!"   So off to Maddox we went.  We had alot of family with us.  It was a special day, and reminds me of how much I Love this little guy.  Here is a list of the top Ten Things I Love about Jake.

                                             1.  He is AlWAYS smiling.
                                             2.  He loves the Savior.
                                             3.  He has a testimony of the gospel.
                                             4.  He is his brothers best friend.
                                             5.  He tells me that he loves me.
                                             6.  He is a great athlete.
                                             7.  He wakes up easily for school.
                                             8.  He loves math.
                                             9.  He is protective of his sisters.
                                            10.  He loves his family.

                                                    WE LOVE YOU JAKE!!!!!!!!!!

The cutest "stink free" wrestlers I have ever seen.  Jake and Logan both took first place at the Weber High School tournament.  Way to go boys!!!   I love that Jake and Logan are very best friends......
Here is our sweet little Angel.  Chloe loves Tallulah.  I am not sure, but by the look on the dogs face I am wondering if the feeling is mutual!!!!  They are BFF's.  You will often find Tallulah riding in the sweet doll stroller, without a bark.  What would we do without our little princess and her pampered pet?